

Founded in 1971 in Zagreb as the Dental Practice Dr. Jukić-Lauc with its registered office at Zagreb, Ilica 19, an independent dental practice in Zagreb started.

The decision on the establishment of the Apolonija Dental Clinic for Dental Diagnostics, Prosthetics and Orthodontics of 29th March  1999 and the closure of the Dental Practice Dr. Jukić-Lauc changed the headquarters to the address Zagreb, Varšavska 10.

By the decision of the Commercial Court in Zagreb, the new Article of Association were registered on 1st March 2010.

The name of the institution is: STOMATOLOŠKA POLIKLINIKA APOLONIJA.

The name of the institution in English is: APOLONIJA DENTAL CLINIC.

The TRADEMARK of the institution until 1st January 2019 consisted of a horizontally placed oval sign in which the name of the institution was written in uppercase garamond letters, where the word Dental was located along the upper edge, and the word clinic along the lower edge of the oval. The word Apolonija is in the middle, and above it is a triangle-shaped sign representing the three basic activities of the institution and the Glagolitic letter “A” inscribed within the triangle. The English sign has replaced the Croatian words Stomatološka Poliklinika with the English words Dental Clinic.

The TRADEMARK of the institution from 1st January 2019 consists of a black double circle in which a large printed Latin letter A is inscribed in gold with a stylized crown consisting of upper molars above the letter which roots pass over the upper part of the circle. Next to it is the word Apolonija written in black letters and in a larger size, while below it are the words Dental Clinic in gold and in a smaller size. The English sign has replaced the Croatian words Stomatološka Poliklinika with the English words Dental Clinic.


Varšavska 10/I

Accounting and finance

 Marina Đurović 01/4883800, marina.durovic@apolonija.hr

Management and Projects Office 
Ivana Rimac 01/4883800, ured@apolonija.hr

Orders and Patient Relations Office
Antonela Lakoš 01/4883800, info@apolonija.hr

Insurance and Procurement Office
Ana Rajić 01/4883800, info@apolonija.hr

Corporate Communications Office

 Suzana Drempetić 01/4883802, poliklinika@apolonija.hr

REG.NO. 01497260
CIN 46057901754

Giro accounts

Zagrebačka banka Zagreb: HR5223600001101481091
Privredna banka Zagreb: HR6223400091110129290
Sberbanka Zagreb: HR6825030071100103825

If you pay from abroad
 you need the following information:

Zagrebačka banka d.d.
Trg bana Josipa Jelačića 10
10000 Zagreb

IBAN: HR5223600001101481091

Pursuant to the Decision on the Establishment of a health-care institution – clinic – of 29th March 1999, the clinic was entered in the court register of institutions at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number 080338341. The share capital in the amount of HRK 24,000.00 (twenty-four thousand) was paid in full.

The texts and images on this website are the property of the Apolonija Dental Clinic or are purchased in compliance with the intellectual property right.

© ️ Dental Clinic Apolonija – All Rights Reserved