
Financial responsibility

Financial responsibility plays an important role in treatment. The development of modern medical technology often leads to disproportion between the price of the most desirable aesthetic procedures and purchasing power.

Determining medical priorities and free will

Because sometimes there is a substantial difference between what can be done and purchasing power, deciding on medical and functional priorities has a key role in developing a treatment plan.

Identifying medical priorities is the basis for devising a plan of therapy or treatment. In doing so, we ensure to recommend the highest quality medical treatment and suggest several other options describing all the advantages and disadvantages as well as providing a cost estimate.

Free will of the patient is very important in making decisions about treatment or procedures to be taken. If the patient explicitly requests certain procedures that go beyond the scope of medical procedures, we will agree to and apply them only if they are in full compliance with the rules of the profession.

Availability of multiple treatment options

The rule of financial responsibility towards patients requires us to propose two or more treatment options for every medical need. The patient should know at all times what each therapy means and what are its advantages and disadvantages.

This will allow the patient to make the best decision about the most acceptable treatment. Our specialists have a duty to provide truthful answers and provide to the patient enough information on the disease, treatment and prognosis.

Providing information to patients

The specialists in the Apolonija Dental Clinic must adequately inform patients about recommended treatments or procedures. In doing so, they must pay special attention to dangers and risks of these treatments or procedures.

They must provide such information in a simple way, avoiding unnecessary medical terminology and keeping in mind who they are talking to at all times, as well as their intellectual and mental capacities.

Ethical principles of the Hippocratic Oath

The first written trace of the attempt to legally regulate the work of physicians is mentioned in the Code of Hammurabi in Babylon in 2100 BC. It contained regulations on the price of individual surgical procedures and penalties in case of unsuccessful treatment.

In case of unsuccessful treatment or death of a patient, the physician could also receive the death penalty. The ethical principles of the Hippocratic Oath became the basis of medical ethics as late as the 19th century, with the development of modern scientific medicine.

Medical ethics in business

The work of physicians has become one of the central areas of ethical responsibility, which has led to the establishment of a special branch of ethics: medical ethics.

Medical ethics obliges us to help patients find the method of treatment that is most acceptable to them and that will address their needs. All our specialists are focused primarily on preserving the health of our patients.

The Apolonija Dental Clinic combines a 50-year tradition with state-of-the-art treatment protocols and technology.

We approach each patient individually.

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