Most people who have experienced the dental impression procedure are not too happy about it. This procedure is least popular with children, however until recently it was an inevitable part of orthodontic and prosthetic diagnostics.
Fortunately, advances in technology have allowed us to slowly begin to put this process behind us.
Thanks to 3D teeth scanning technology, a digital impression can be taken with precision and without discomfort.
Digital scanning has become increasingly popular in dentistry in recent years due to the fact that technology is evolving very fast and 3D scans are often a lot more precise than standard impressions.
Intraoral scanning
This technology is based on a scanner which takes images of teeth from different angles and an advanced software that connects all this information and can create a 3D model of teeth.
Teeth scanning is extremely fast and comfortable, and what patients love the most is that immediately after they can see the scan on the big screen.
Digital technology also allows us to “track” a patient much better because at each stage we can take a scan and have a 3D model that remains permanently stored in the database.
Faster and more precise work processes
A very important advantage of the 3D model is that it speeds up communication with the dental laboratory. Thanks to tooth scanning and the ability to send large files in just a few minutes, the 3D model arrives in the dental laboratory and is ready for processing.
this way, the communication between a dentist and a technician is facilitated and the result is faster production of prostheses.
Better communication with the patient
In addition to speed, 3D scanning and software help us communicate with the patient when we discuss the goals of orthodontic therapy.
When the model is in digital form, it is very easy to make a simulation which accurately shows the results after orthodontic therapy to the patient.
The Apolonija Dental Clinic combines a 50-year tradition with state-of-the-art treatment protocols and state-of-the-art technology.
We approach each patient individually.
Contact us.