
Naš pristup

Poslovna kultura nije rezervirana samo za pojedince, ona se odnosi na organizacije, ali i na društvo u cjelini. Briga i pomoć najranjivijim skupinama društva logičan je slijed filozofije poslovanja naše poliklinike, ali i svojevrsna moralna obveza te odgovornost u poslovanju. Poštujući etička načela i norme naša je briga o pacijentima usmjerena na uključivanje pacijenata u terapiju kako bi bolje slijedili tretman.

Financial responsibility

Financial responsibility plays an important role in treatment. The development of modern medical technology often leads to disproportion between the price of the most desirable aesthetic procedures and purchasing power.

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Environmental protection

Commitment to environmental protection is one of the duties of physicians to the social community. By introducing the Green ISO 14001 standard, the struggle for environmental sustainability and environmental activism have become an integral part of social responsibility.

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Quality guarantee

The most important thing for us is the satisfaction of our patients. We guarantee you our excellence and accuracy in choosing the appropriate therapy, while respecting your decisions and possibilities, and what we guarantee you read here.

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Patient rights

At the Apolonija Dental Clinic, we are aware of the value of each human and each patient. Communication with patients is therefore extremely important.

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